Wednesday, September 28, 2016

9/29 Unit 1 Project

Written Summary 1

Technology, a way to communicate with others and still be alone. Sherry Turkle writes about how people are always alone now that technology allows us to communicate from anywhere to anyone. In the Flight of conversation she explains this while repetitively saying we are all alone. She states how technology is power and it allows us to only listen to the things that interest us. Technology has made it so people don’t have to be in the same area to talk and this has made us forget how to actually hold a conversation with people in person. It’s allowed us to keep people away and present ourselves how we want to. We are able to change the way we look on the internet and to talk people in ways we couldn’t do in person. Turkle says people think being connected to social media is the same as talking to people in person. That you can’t actually know someone through a texting conversation and that real face to face conversation teaches us things we can’t learn through social media. Yet people enjoy talking to computers because there is always someone listening. She thinks we are losing confidence in each other as humans. We rely on machines for answers instead of one and other. We feel the need to always share our thoughts and what we are doing. That we feel less lonely online even when we are alone. She believes people Should have times throughout the day where they are not allowed to use technology. That way people would actually know what’s going on around them.  

Written Summary 2

Facebook has changed the lives of over a billion people around the world, 1.2 billion users in 2014 to be exact. Facebook was created in 2004 and it changed the way people interact with each other drastically. It has allowed us to be able to share anything we want whenever we want to share it. The good part about this is that we are able to pass information to others very quickly from almost anywhere. The bad part about being able to share things so easily is exactly that. People can share whatever they want whenever they want. This causes a lot of drama and problems on social media. Another way social media has changed us is by making it easy to bring up past events. The best part about this is being able to find out information from things that happened a long time ago that people now wouldn’t know without having looked it up. The bad part about it this is if something that should be forgotten is posted on the internet then it will never be forgotten because it is so easy to look up past events. Another good thing that Facebook does for us is make it easy to reunite with people from our past. Almost everyone who has internet has a Facebook profile. Instead of needing to find a phone number to contact someone you only need to know their name. The only bad thing about this is that traditional reunions where you meet your old friends in person are becoming less of a thing. People are becoming less social outside of social media. The last thing Facebook did to change the world is by affecting our privacy. While Facebook provides privacy settings most people do not know how to use them. They have made it insanely easy to figure out almost anything you need to know about people whenever you need to know it. Based on these few things Facebook has accomplished, it still your choice to use social media and what you post on it is your own decision. 

Written Summary 3

Social media has had a significant impact on us. We have become way more public than people have ever been. It all started with sites such as Friendster, Myspace, and eventually Facebook. An outstanding 78% of U.S. citizens have had some type of social media profile. This has changed how people spend their time. We spend so much time looking at social media to see what people are doing instead of going to have a real conversation with them. Social media has made our lives way more open than most people even want to be. There are people who know other people from Facebook even though they never met them in real life. Many people think that you can hide behind your computer when using social media but that’s not completely true. It’s easy to say anything you want but it will eventually catch up to you in real life. Your social media describes you as a person and people are always there to judge it. That can be good for some but many people see others and this make them feel like they are not good enough. They want to become more like these famous people and this causes people to try to change who they are on social media. Many people are starting to become more self-aware of what they post on the internet prior to posting it. This is good because you are less likely to post something you will later regret. Many new users on social media tend to compare themselves to these popular social media users and they try to imitate them or turn their style into their own. Social media has made us more self-conscious of ourselves and this cause people to try to be who they aren’t.

Unwritten Summary


Tuesday, September 27, 2016

9/29 Reflection

The Internet is so big, so powerful and pointless that for some people it is a complete substitute for life.  A quote by Andrew Brown which kind of sums up how I view technology. In today’s society almost everyone has access to some sort of social media. It’s our main form of commination now and we abuse it as much as we can. In one of my readings on social media and its effects on society, Sherry Turkle says how people have become so lonely yet they are talking to everyone. The internet has given us this great power to basically do whatever we want and we mainly use it to tell people about our day so we don’t have to do it in person. She says how people don’t even know what’s going on around them anymore. People are completely ignoring others because they are more worried about what the world thinks about them instead of the people right next to them. I feel like people have become too reliant on the internet now. We are constantly on it trying to find something or telling someone something and we will eventually become aware that we won’t be able to survive without it. Turkle makes a good point when she says we should have times where we are not allowed to use our technology so we can actually see what’s going on around us. As an engineer I spend a lot of time on my computer and fully believe what Turkle is saying. If you don’t get out every so often then you will become in out of tune with the rest of the world you won’t be able to keep up with it. When Facebook first launched back it 2004, it changed the way people interacted with each other. As of 2 years ago 1.2 billion people have used Facebook at some point and this number is very scary. That’s 17 percent of the human population and 42 percent of all people with access to the internet. 20 years ago only the richest of the rich could afford a computer with an internet connection. It’s become so readily available now that half the world can get online now. This has enabled people to do almost anything they want. Many crimes today are committed online some of which are anywhere from hacking into someone’s accounts to drug trafficking and prostitution. This is not why I dislike the internet though. These things were expected to happen when the first computer was created. The reason I dislike the internet is because of things like Facebook, Instagram, twitter, and snapchat. Society makes you feel like you need to have an account on each of these so you can be connected with others. There is so little communication outside of social media today compared to 20 years ago. It’s almost like social media has become our lives now and South Park Creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone captured this perfectly in their latest episode. It opens with what looks to be a girl about to jump off a bridge and end her life. But she pulls out her phone and writes one last tweet before throwing her phone off the bridge. The next day at school everyone completely ignores her like she isn’t even there anymore. They treat her like she actually ended her life because she got off of twitter. This example shows exactly how social media is today in society. If you’re not on it then you don’t have a life. This should not be the case it should be the exact opposite. People who are on social media all the time should be the people who are considered to not have a life.  

Monday, September 19, 2016

9/20 My 3 Summaries

Source 1 

Technology, a way to communicate with others and still be alone. Sherry Turkle writes about how people are always alone now that technology allows us to communicate from anywhere to anyone. In the Flight of conversation she explains this while repetitively saying we are all alone. She states how technology is power and it allows us to only listen to the things that interest us. Technology has made it so people don’t have to be in the same area to talk and this has made us forget how to actually hold a conversation with people in person. Technology allowed us to keep people away and present ourselves how we want to. We are to change the way we look on the internet and to talk people in ways we couldn’t do in person. Turkle says people think being connected to social media is the same as talking to people in person. That you can’t actually know someone through a texting conversation and that real face to face conversation teaches us things we can’t learn through social media. Yet people enjoy talking to computers because there is always someone listening. She thinks we are losing confidence in each other as humans. We rely on machines for answers instead of one and other. We feel the need to always share our thoughts and what we are doing. That we feel less lonely online even when we are alone. She believes people are times throughout the day where they are not allowed to use technology that way people would actually know what’s going on around them.  

Source 2

Facebook has changed the lives of over a billion people around the world, 1.2 billion users in 2014 to be exact. Face book was created in 2004 and it changed the way people interact with each other drastically. Facebook has allowed us to be able to chare anything we want whenever we want to share it. The good part about this is that we are able to pass information to others very quickly from almost anywhere. The bad part about being able to share things so easily is exactly that. People can share whatever they want whenever they want. This causes a lot of drama and problems on social media. Another was social media has changed us is by making it easy to bring up past events. The best part about this is being to find out information from things that happened a long time ago they people now wouldn’t know without having looked it up. The bad part about it is that if something that should be forgotten is posted on the internet then it will never be forgotten because it is so easy to look up past events. Another good thing that Facebook does for us is make it easy to reunite with people from our past. Almost everyone who has internet has a Facebook profile. Instead of needing to find a phone number to contact someone you only need to know their name. The bad part of this is that traditional reunions where you meet your old friends in person are becoming less of a thing. People are becoming less social outside of social media. The last things Facebook did to change the world is by affecting our privacy. While Facebook provides privacy settings most people do not know how to use them which leads to how this is bad. Facebook has made it insanely easy to figure out almost anything you need to know about people. Based on these few things Facebook has accomplished, it still your choice to use social media and what you post it your own decision. 

Source 3

Social media has had a significant impact on us. We have becoming way more public than people have ever been. It all started with sites such as Friendster, Myspace, and eventually Facebook. 78% of U.S. citizens have had some type of social media profile. This has changed how people spend their time. We spend so much time looking at social media to see what people are doing instead of going to have a real conversation with them. Social media has made our lives way more open than most people even want to be. There are people who know other people from Facebook even though they never met them in real life. Many people think that you can hide behind your computer when using social media but that’s not completely true. It’s easy to say anything you want on social media but it will eventually catch up to you in real life. Your social media describes you as a person and that can be good for some but many people see others and this make them feel like they are not good enough. They want to become more like these famous people and this causes people to try to change who they are on social media. Many people are starting to become more self-aware of what they post on the internet prior to posting it. This is good because you are less likely to post something you will later regret. Many new users on social media tend to compare themselves to these popular social media users and they try to imitate them or turn their style into their own. Social media has made us more self-conscious of ourselves and this cause people to try to be who they aren’t.  

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

9/15 Food Poll

I took a poll asking how i viewed french food. Each question was a would you rather and gave two choices. Here are some of my results.

Question one

I ansered croissant but the majority picket pain au chocolat

Question two

I picked Eclairs and that was the majority but a small percent

Question three

I picked Fondant au Chocolat and the majority did as well

Question four

I answered Mousse au Chocolat and that was not that majoirty.

According to this survey my taste for french foods is not with the majority. Although the result for each was about 40-60, I was still outside of the majority. Each questions sample size was about ten thousand which isn't terrible for a survey. My first question as if i perfered pain au chocolat or a Croissant. I picked croissant and i was not in the majoirty. Only 40 percent of people picked croissant while 60 percent answered pain au chocolat. My next Question as Macarons or Eclairs and i picked Eclairs. I was in the majority but only but 2 percent. The next question was would i rather want a Fondant au chocolat or a creme brulee and i picked the fondant au chocolat. I answered with the majoirty. My last question was would i rather have a souffle au chocolat or a mousse au chocolat and i answered mousse au chocolat. I again picked outside of the majority. The results from this survey show i picked 2 in the majority and 2 outside the majority. I would still consider my tastes to be against the popular opinion because one of the two i picked correct was basically 50-50. This survey as simple and to the point. The only reason to take it is for self interest or for your writing class.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

9/8 What I Wear

What I Wear
I wear many thing but hear are the few outfit I wore today.

Outfit number 1

This is what I woke up in, Its a standard outfit for sleeping. I normally don't have a shirt on unless it is cold out but I decided to for this picture.

Outfit number 2
This is what i decided to go to school in. A standard pair of khaki shorts with one of my many shirts in this case a band shirt.

Outfit number3

My work outfit is something to be desired. I am blessed to be able to wear this very fashionable outfit several times a week. 

Outfit number 4
This is a very traditional outfit, it consists of a towel and some flip flops. I normally wear this outfit every day except for the days wear i'm feeling super lazy. I only wear this for a brief amount of time each day so most people will never see me in it. 

Outfit number 5
This outfit is very similar to number 1. It is my relax/get work done outfit. I am currently wearing this as i am writing this blog. Its a pair of basketball shorts and a Syracuse t-shirt. 

Selfies with a Social Conscience

A world without selfies would be unimaginable now-a-days. I personally do not take selfies very often if at all. I believe that pictures of you shouldn't be taken by you. Most of the best pictures are not taken by the people in them. These five pictures i was kind of forced into taking today were very stressful. This class has been on my mind all day and yet it is considered an easy A to most. I will admit it easier to take a picture and write about it than it is to write a code to solve for when a piece of metal will fail under a certain load.Yet this was difficult for me to do. I dont like taking pictures of anything especially me. I do not post things on social media so i have no reason to take pictures of things. The greater portion of people with access to the internet do post things on social media and many of the times it is selfies. People try to portray themselves differently in selfies. They try to skew parts of their bodies to the way society wants them to look. Many selfies people will tend to hide the worst parts of themselves, like they can only take pictures from their "good side". Its hard to believe what your looking at most of the time when seeing a picture that you didn't take. You never know if what you seeing is actually that person, especially with the technology we have now.